The UK's Futurlab research team have come up with an analysis of what is needed to re-balance the UK schools curriculum into one which is better suited to the needs of the 21st Century and better meets the needs of young people. The report can be accessed here.
The fundamental questions the research explored were; What skills and competencies do young people need to service and flourish? and How do we prepare young people for life leisure and work today?
These questions are fundamental to creating a 21st Century curriculum that is fit for purpose for the future and the report recognises that the questions are being asked by almost anyone with an interest in education, As with almost any discussion about education and attempts to develop new structures and learning opportunities a significant concern that always creates tension is that of assessment. It states that it is this issue that creates the most polarised views. The tension between an "external/national" and a "personal/local" focus for assessment. Compliance with external measures are often placed as a higher priority and of greater importance than the more personal aspirations of young people who may wish to develop competencies and skills that are of more immediate importance to them. The tension is a real one as the national assessments are designed to provide young people with the evidence that can take them on to richer opportunities for learning and work while meeting the often more narrow personal need might limit opportunity in the future.
The report cites a number of projects that provide variations to the more traditional programme or that attempt to blend learning experiences to retain the motivation and engagement of young people but concludes that more research is needed before a way forward can be defined and agreed by all those involved - including the learners.